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What is ABA?
Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA is the application of basic principles of learning in highly individualized educational programs. The basic principles of learning have been empirically confirmed by decades of scientific research. The science of ABA was born and developed in the United States, has decades of rigorous scientific research behind it, and practitioners who apply ABA are monitored by the international association of behavior analysts BACB.
Utilizing principles of learning, programs based on ABA research change the quality of life of students and their families. Every child or adult has a distinct set of missing skills to build on and strengths to build on. During the assessment phase, the behavior analyst identifies the individual child's missing skills or the function of the problematic behaviors to be eliminated. The behavior analyst, using the principles of learning, then creates individual programs that allow them to be replicated by all educational figures.
Programs based on ABA principles are always highly individualized, must demonstrate a functional correlation with the results obtained, the results must be quantifiable and meaningful, and the new skills must generalize in different fields.
An ABA program to reduce aggression (example, biting) must demonstrate that it reduces the number of bites to zero in all contexts of the child.

What is an ABA session like?
It depends on the student and the program. Generally an ABA session is an alternation of moments at the table (discrete trial), game (incidental teaching) and practice of basic skills . All ABA programs use clear instructions, reinforcement, division into small steps of the skill to be taught and repetition (repetita iuvant). The important thing is to motivate the student and demonstrate, by collecting data, his progress.

For who is it?
The principles of learning are universal and have been applied in all fields of learning: occupational safety and productivity, classroom management, foreign language study, sports performance improvements, education.

Autism and ABA
More and more children are being recognized as having autism spectrum symptoms. Unfortunately, until a few years ago, there was nothing they could do for children with these symptoms.
Now science-based ABA programs have restored hope for all families affected by these symptoms. In fact, in 1999, the head of American health declared that thirty years of research demonstrated the effectiveness of programs based on Applied Behavior Analysis in reducing inappropriate behaviors and increasing communication and learning in children on the autistic spectrum.
Science-based ABA programs have been found, in comparative research, to be the most effective at increasing the communication and social skills of children on the autism spectrum and at reducing their stigmatizing behaviors.